Friday, October 26, 2012

the mini comes to town

The new iPad mini has come to compete! For some people this is just another gadget and has no relevance, no importance, and no particular use for them.  For others, it may spark a new market for thsoe wanting a tablet.  The new mini was made to compete with the Google Nexus 7, but to still capture the many features of the iPad, which its consumers already love so much.

While it can now be held in one hand, and is significantly smaller than the iPad, does it really offer a good competitive edge against the Google Nexus, as well as Amazon's tablet?  It enters the market at a price of $329, while the two competitors it was designed to match up with, have a retail price of about $160.  Also, Apple's new iPad mini, while saying it will be different than the iPad, seems to have the same apps, the same resolution, run on the same operating system, and therefore seems to be pretty much the same, except a shrunken down version.

 I wonder if this price will stop people from purchasing the mini, compared with the other tablets it competes with?  But then again, I have always thought Apple seems to have absurdly high prices, but being an elite product, consumers are willing to pay anything for their products.  And I guess that is how the market works.  Those who want the mini, those who are already Apple lovers, will pay the price because they will see the mini as a benefit to them, and will see the price as being lower than the iPad, so it will make sense to them at that cost.  It only needs the one hand to work it, and therefore people have the other hand free to do work, eat, clean something, or anything else along those lines. 

And there you have it, the new mini ... is it worth it?

1 comment:

  1. To be honest there are now so many tablets that have saturated the market that despite the well known iPad, I get them all mixed up. I think every major technology firm (Sony, Motorola, Blackberry, and clearly Google) now have one but how do they all remain competitive? It seems like as soon as one comes out, like the iPad well it instantly becomes outdated when the newer and better iPad 2 comes out shortly afterwards.

    This is really awesome technology, especially the new Google nexus but won't there be an even better tablet that will outperform this one? The latest technology no longer is good ahead and companies begin stepping over one another to outperform each other at such a fast pace, that at least for me, it doesn't even give consumers a chance to see what their options are.
