Monday, November 5, 2012

economic equality = economic downfall?

Exploring the "Great Divergence" throughout an in depth, back and forth, discussion, raised many unanswered questions.  Since it has been pointed out that the rich become richer, because of the dwindling tax rates year after year, the proposed solution has been to "soak the rich"?  Would this solution really solve all the problems?

Yes the rich have had dwindling taxes, and the "stinking rich" do not need all of the superfluous materials they have, but because of the lower taxes, does this not also have the rich expending more of their cash, and putting this cash back into the economy then helps our economy grow?  So would "soaking the rich" as it is so called, solve this dilemma, or would it then put a stop to the spending of the rich?  Maybe, irregardless, of the taxes the rich receive, they will continue to spend, spend, and spend money, putting it right back into the economy, but there is that off chance they may actually just cut back on their material items, and therefore less and less money will be put back into the ecnoomy.

Tis is a counterpoint that simply popped into my head when reading this prompt, but may be so far off base and so wrong, the "soaking the rich" may be exactly the route we need to take.  Although, I personally think this is not the correct path.

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